After School Programs

When afternoon enrichment activities end at 2:15 or 2:30pm, children have the option to enroll in a variety of after school programs until 3:15/30pm. These classes allow them to explore their interests, build new skills, and enjoy extra time with friends at the ECC. Programs include:

Happy Fit Multi-sports Class (Offered to 3s and 4s)

Happy Fit classes teach the fundamental skills of multiple sports in an age-appropriate way—with a yellow smiley-face soccer ball named Bob the Bobcat! Children gain balance, coordination, agility, and strength, while learning sportsmanship and having fun.

Artistree Broadway Class (Offered to 3s and 4s)

Artistree Performing Arts’ Broadway class is an introduction to performing, for both seasoned singers/dancers and children who are a little more hesitant to take the stage. Each week a different Broadway show is introduced through acting games, singing, and dancing, and the semester culminates with an in-class performance for family and friends.

Challenge Island STEAM Class (Offered to 4s)

Challenge Island is one-of-a-kind enrichment program on the cutting edge of STEAM education. We introduce preschoolers to the wonders of science, the thrill of engineering and joy of creative thinking.  Students visit “islands” where they work together in STEAM Teams creating, designing, building, learning and having a HUGE amount of fun!

Super Skills (Offered to 4s)

Your child will begin class by practicing age appropriate self-help and conversational skills, while having a quick snack with peers. After snack, the children will break into three small groups, where we will play with a purpose with specialists in the fields of pediatric occupational therapy and pediatric speech and language pathology.   The enrichment will focus on further enhancing the following…

  • Social and emotional skills
  • Speech and language communication
  • Fine motor, visual motor and visual perceptual skills
  • Early math and literacy skills

The groups will rotate through three stations of engaging and fun activities led by a pediatric Occupation Therapist, a Speech/Language Pathologist and an ECC teacher.

Fine Motor Club (Offered to 4s)

In the Fine Motor Club your child will be “playing with a purpose” under the trained eyes of an Occupational Therapist and an ECC Teacher while developing fine motor skills, gross motor skills, hand and finger strength and more!

Happy Place Creative Studio Art Club (Offered to 3s and 4s)

Happy Place Art Club will focus on process and exploration, experimenting with new materials, techniques, and projects, building skills, hobbies and friendships along the way.